6 Courses
Fine Art
Registration fee PKR3000
Course type : live sessions
Days and timings :
Tuesdays and Wednesdays
11:30 am - 12:30 pm Pkt
Duration: 4 weeks
Registration Form :
Course outline
- All about materials.
- Essential materials to buy for this course.
- How to hold a brush pen.
- Learning to work with guidelines.
- Mastering the 9 basic strokes.
- Formation of lowercase. alphabets using basic strokes.
- Letter connections
- Forming words.
- Creating a simple greeting card using beautiful lettering.
Basic Materials required for this course.
1. Pencil
2. Single line full scape sheets or a notebook.
3. Smalltip brushpen
Fine Art
Registration fee PKR3500
Course type : live sessions
Days : Monday and Tuesday
Timings : 12:30-2:00pm pkt
Duration: 4 weeks
course outline
1.Watercolors paints
2.Watercolor brushes No 0,1,2,4 &6
3.cold pressed watercolor paper pad A4 size
4. 2 glass jars, water, paper towels
5. Masking tape
6.masking fluid
7.drawing board
8. HB pencils
9. Soft eraser
10. Black felt tip pen
Fine Art
Registration fee PKR 3000
Course Type : pre-recorded & assignment based (with 24/7 Teacher's Assistance)
Click Here For Demo Of Our Pre Recorded Courses : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8q_mPU319o
Registration Form :
Course Outline :
Week 1
Day 1
Introduction to acrylics and canvas
Brief introduction to color wheel primary secondary colors
(I will be doing and mixing the colors with poster paints on cartridge you can use anyone of both for this purpose, it can be acrylics or poster paints up to you)
Day 2
Tertiary colors tints tones and shades
Introduction to six basic painting techniques
Week 2
Day 1
6 Basic painting techniques on cartridge paper
Day 2
Painting on canvas with me using different techniques in detail with acrylics
Week 3
Test day
Making painting using primary and secondary observation and researching material
Assignment Day
Material list :
acrylic paints in color red, yellow, blue, black and white
paint pallet or any plastic plate
paint brushes flat and round both
flat brush size 70,12,6
round brush size 0,2,6
2 canvas of size 8x8 inches ( or you can also get it of size of 6x6 size should not be larger than 8x8 inches )
lacquer spray
3catridge sheets A3 size
black marker
water container
water spray bottle
masking tape
Fine Art
Registration fee PKR 3500
Advance Acrylic Painting Course
Duration: 4 weeks
Registration form & Fee : https://cutt.ly/MNi6m66
1. Acrylic Pouring
2. Embroidery on canvas
3. Painting starry night painting by Van Gough
4. Continuing starry night painting by Van Gough
5. Painting with pallet knife on canvas
6. Continuing with pallet knife on canvas
7. test submission (20 mins session)
Class Material
1. Pouring Medium ( you can order one from bluebird.com )
2. Silicone oil, coconut oil or any oil available
3. Acrylic paints in red, yellow, blue, black, white, golden, silver colours.
4. At least 10 disposable cups
5. wooden ice cream sticks for mixing purpose ( optional )
6. hair dryer ( optional )
7. 4ply thread and needle for it in black color or any color.
8. Masking tape
9. Pallet knife
10. Painting pallet
11. Paint brushes round ( 0,2,4,6) flat ( 2,4, 70 )
12. 6 Canvas ( canvas size is up to the student they can purchase them of any size they want to or of different sizes )
13. Lacquer spray ( optional )
Registration fee PKR 3800
Course Type : pre-recorded & assignment based (with 24/7 Teacher's Assistance)
Click Here For Demo Of Our Pre Recorded Courses : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8q_mPU319o
Registration Here :
Course Outline
Week 1
Basic Fundamentals of sketching an object
To find geometric shapes in any form
To see as an artist.
Week 2
Understand how perspective works
Boxes and cylinders and other shapes.
Week 3
The brains direction towards the drawing process
Rules of composition
What is proportion.
Week 4
Value, light, shadow and texture.
Completing a full still life drawing.
a4 sheets or similar papers
Pencil Hb 2b and 4b
A black pointer
Fine Art
Registration fee PKR 3500
Duration : 4 weeks
2 sessions per week
Class Duration : 1.5 hours
Course Type: Group
Registration Here :
Course outline:
Week 1
Learning face anatomy
Learning muscle structure
Structure of an eye
Practice session
Assignment 1
Week 2:
Structure of the nose
Structure of the lips
Different perspective views + male and female difference in features
Assignment 2
Week 3
Full face drawing + shading
Learning value, shadow, light.
Assignment 3
Week 4
Practice session. Make a complete portrait. Female
Practice session. Make a complete portrait. Male
a4 sheets or similar papers
Pencil Hb 2b and 4b
A black pointer