8 Courses
Registration fee PKR8000
Course Duration: 2 months
Type: pre-recorded & assignment based (with 24/7 Teacher's Assistance)
Click Here For Demo Of Our Pre Recorded Courses : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8q_mPU319o
Registration Form : https://cutt.ly/MNi6m66
Course Outline
Introduction :
Introduction to islamic arts
Introduction to arabic calligraphy
Stage 1:Letters understanding
Alif ,baa
Jeem ,ain
Daal ,raa
Seen ,suad, tua
Faa, qaaf ,wao
Kaaf ,laam
Noon ,meem
Haa ,laam-alif
Yaa, tashkeelat
Stage 2:pair tables(murakabat)
Baa mashq
Jeem mashq
Seen mashq
Suad mashq
Tua mashq
Ain mashq
Faa/qaaf mashq
Kaaf mask
Meem mashq
Haa mashq
Rivision with Worksheets
Stage 3:compositions
Composition and variations in word Allah and Muhammad
Composition of ayah
Stage 4:working on canvas(project)
Details about materials and canvas
Sketching and tracing on canvas
Background making
Brush work for calligraphy
Materials required:
Registration fee PKR 4000
Live sessions and pre recorded sessions both are available
For live sessions
Duration : 4 weeks
3 sessions per week
Class Duration : 2 hours
Level : Beginners
Course Type : Group Course
Days: Monday Tuesday and Wednesday
Timings : 4-5:30pm Pkt
For pre recorded sessions
Type: pre-recorded & assignment based (with 24/7 Teacher's Assistance)
Click Here For Demo Of Our Pre Recorded Courses : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8q_mPU319o
Registration Here :https://cutt.ly/MNi6m66
Class 1: introduction to the material
Class 2 - 8 : learning how to make the huroof
Class 9 - 11: joining the huroof
Class : making a final piece
*Calligraphy ink (any colour)
*Bamboo qalam (1 packet)
*Cutter (1)
*Wooden block (small) (1)
*Calendar papers/glossy or Art paper (8 or largest paper 1)
*Tracing paper ( as many as you can)
*Fomic sheets (1)
*Malmal cloth or sponge ( half)
*Drawing board
*container for ink or inks whose mouth is wide open and isn't too deep.
Registration fee PKR 3800
Duration : 6 weeks
2 sessions per week
Class Duration : 2 hours
Level : Beginners
Course Type : Group Course
Days : Monday and Tuesday
Timings : 8pm onwards Pkt
Registration Here :https://cutt.ly/MNi6m66
Course Outline :
Week 1
Class 1: course introduction+ ا,ب
Class 2: مشق(practise of) د,ر
Week 2
Class 3: مشق س,ص,ط
Class 4: مشق. ک,ف
Week 3
Class 5: مشق. ع,ق ن
Class 6: مشق. م,و,ہ
Week 4
Class7: مشق. ل,لا
Class 8: مشق ج,ی
Week 5
Class 9: joining letters
Class 10: composition setting
Week 6
Class 11: execution on sheet
Class 12: final display + Q/A
Material list :
Islamic Art
Registration fee PKR 3800
Duration : 6 weeks
2 sessions per week
Class Duration : 2 hours
Level : Advance
Course Type : Group Course
Course outline
Week 1
Class 1 introduction + advance formations of ا,ب,د
Class 2 مشق ص,ف,ق,و
Week 2
Class 3 مشق ک,ج
Class 4 مشق ج
Week 3
Class 5 مشق لا,ی
Class 6 مشق ی
Week 4
Class 7 مشق ھ
Class 8 مشق لا
Week 5
Class 9 final work
Class 10 final display
Material list :
Graph book
sketch pencils(2H , 2B) eraser
colors(optional), makers(optional)
tracing sheet(A4 )
set squares(45° & 30°)
Islamic Art
Teacher : Aina Junaid
Registration fee :3000pkr
Type: pre-recorded & assignment based (with 24/7 Teacher's Assistance)
Click Here For Demo Of Our Pre Recorded Courses : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8q_mPU319o
Registration Form :
What Will You Learn?
Colour proportions and consistency.
Brief idea about tools used in calligrafitti.
Basic strokes drawing.
Composing pattern.
Giving depth to get 3D effect.
Brief idea about varnishes.
Idea about translucent layers.
Making a final project.
Material Includes:
Paint brushes (flat or angled)
Acrylic paints
Canvas (for final project)
Canvas loose sheets for strokes practice
Varnish (matte or gloss)
Wet wipes
Small jars or colour palette
Masking tape
Course content:
2.Tools and basic letters
**letter structures
**brush lettering
**background effects
4.final project
Rgistration fee PKR 3000
Two Day Workshop On Islamic Geometric Patterns
Learn how to create
6 fold rosette
8 fold rosette
10 fold rosette
12 fold rosette
Complete pattern formation
Type: pre-recorded & assignment based (with 24/7 Teacher's Assistance)
Click Here For Demo Of Our Pre Recorded Courses : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8q_mPU319o
Material list :
A4 size sketch papers (2)
Sketch pencils
Set squares optional
Tracing sheets
Colours any medium (optional)
Brushes 00,1,2 (if using paints)
Registration fee PKR 3800
Type: pre-recorded & assignment based (with 24/7 Teacher's Assistance)
Click Here For Demo Of Our Pre Recorded Courses : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8q_mPU319o
Register here
Course Includes :
•Practicing contoured lines.
•Rumi formation.
•Drawing shamsa and forming a border out of it.
•Paint application in the border.
•Intro and practice of different vegetative components of Arabesque.
•How to place illumination flowers in a shamsa.
•How to paint a flower with colour gradation and intro to zenjerik borders.
•Compose a floral composition and paint it.
Material List :
2B and Hb pencil
Steel scale
Off set sheets ( Cut into A4 size)
1,0,00 paint brushes ( Artist quality)
Water color papers 2 to 3.
Sea shells (for better paint application)
Sakura paints (white, Prussian blue, black, light blue, red, mustard, yellow, green, aquamarine blue, golden)
Tracing papers. (A3 or A4 sizes)
Registration fee PKR 4000
Type: pre-recorded & assignment based (with 24/7 Teacher's Assistance)
Click Here For Demo Of Our Pre Recorded Courses : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8q_mPU319o
Lesson 1: strokes practice with qalam
Lesson 2:alif,laam , kaaf ,laam-alif
Lesson 3:baa,taa,seen,kaaf
Lesson 4:jeem ,ain ,meem
Lesson 5:daal ,raa,wao
Lesson 6:
Lesson 7:noon ,do chashmi,haa,yaa
TEST 1:rivision test
Lesson 8:mashq
Lesson 9:mashq
Lesson 10: ayah compositions
TEST 2: composition test and reading test
Materials required:
*Qalam 3mm,5mm
*Calligraphy ink(any colour)
*Ink well with likka
*Art paper
*paper cutter/paper knife
*foam board(not mandatory)